I wasn't sure if I would be the type of mom that needed to have something to do all the time. I mean we get out of the house EVERY day, and if we didn't, I think I would go insane, but even for a few days during the week if it is just the two of us, I am completely content. Don't get me wrong after a few days of a constant one on one date, I am in need of hanging with some friends. But it is amazing to me, that I am not counting down the seconds until Scott gets home, usually.. =) Another thing that the Lord laid before me when Rogers was quite young, was the opportunity to work from home. When I worked at Canterbury before he came, and a little after Rogers arrival, I was in charge of the finances for their Mother's Day Out and Day Care. Literally the day I left for good, which was very bittersweet, I was told about this job, being the financial secretary for Red Mountain Church. I ended up getting the job which was wonderful and quite overwhelming. After many tears and much anxiety things have calmed down and I am so grateful to have this job that I can do from home. What a blessing, while Rogers is snoozing I SHOULD be doing my job. Sometimes the Bachelor from the night before that is on dvr, or my favorite show Parenthood is calling me to watch, and I do say yes to the tv calling a lot of the time. But I do try to leave the right amount of time for the higher priorities...most of the time.. until that little buddy boy decides to wake up one hour into his nap. Now that is another story..
And now we are on to the next chapter of the Scott, Katie and Rogers journey, looking for our "grown up" house as I like to call it and thinking about the future of our family. Who knows where God will put us and what next little blessing he will bring into our lives. But one thing is for sure, when I look back at the last ten months of my life, I know that the Lord is present, guiding us, directing us, and forming us into who He desires us to be.
I thought a little wrap up was needed, it has been quite a while of fun pictures, but a little depth is good too, right?!